Portfolio Planning

Well.. I’m cutting back on freelance jobs I take and starting to focus on a plan for my portfolio and demo reel. I want to get into a studio as hopefully a character artist but as I see that as long shot at the moment I’m going to try to build a good prop demo reel.

It’s been a really rough winter and I don’t even feel as though I have much art to show for it so I’m really hoping the spring is a bit more rewarding for me.

Sunday fun day, snow day?!

Today I’m planning a large post for some websites featuring my new work as well as planning my new website. I hope to launch them all at the same time and write some tutorials to help get some traffic!

Website work

Today I’m tearing up the guts of all my social media networking I use. My site, my Zbrushcentral posts, Polycount posts, Facebook, and LinkedIN. Have some new ideas I want to try for more traffic and to share my art easier with a lot of people. Have 3 weeks off from school so I wanna get a lot of new art out there! Lots to come.


Working on a biker Zbrush model right now.. And some freelance that I’m extremely excited about! Huge updates to come soon.

Enceladus Test


Long day of Maya ahead of me

Have to get 3 fully painted assets into my level this week? easy schmeezy. Time to get into Maya

Tuesday Freelance and Vray

Today I worked on a logo for a client and learned quite a bit about V-Ray. It’s much easier to get a high quality render while using it and since I hardly ever actually render anything in Maya it was nice to follow a few quick tutorials and get a great result. Also, I’m starting a new bust tonight in Zbrush, stoked!

Zombie Pirate

Finished a sculpt that went pretty well today, posing was annoying though.


Finished a quick model for Killgore yesterday, packaged it up today.

Summer Semester done

Well.. summer semester is coming to a close and I have 3 weeks off. I’m making a character for http://www.mixamo.com/c/user-contests/2011-3d-modeling-contest haracter modeling contest to keep myself sharp and maybe win some money. I’ll post up final drawings and where I got my projects to in a little bit once I’m more organized. Files are everywhere!