Working on a biker Zbrush model right now.. And some freelance that I’m extremely excited about! Huge updates to come soon.
Archive for 3D Work
Tuesday Freelance and Vray
Today I worked on a logo for a client and learned quite a bit about V-Ray. It’s much easier to get a high quality render while using it and since I hardly ever actually render anything in Maya it was nice to follow a few quick tutorials and get a great result. Also, I’m starting a new bust tonight in Zbrush, stoked!
Rich Fatty Day 4
Well… I have alot on my plate right now and I’m heading to Hagerstown MD to look at apartments Friday! Did an hour or two work on this guy today. I made an alpha for an alien-like fetus and threw it ontop of the existing tumors I made on him. Also did a little more fat/wrinkle detailing.
Here’s what I made to create the Alpha, I love being able to so quickly create something to use as a stamp instantly during a project!