Elf Warrior Update 5

This is my fifth update for this sculpture, I’ve been working on it for a little over a week at this point. This will be a post on my school blog and it’s the first time it will be seen there so I just wanted to give a little reference for how long I’ve been working on this piece. This is for a client to be 3D printed, as most of the things I work in are.

The character for the most part is now posed, breaking symmetry on a complex piece is always a little scary. I’m not starting to place and block in accessories which are quite numerous. I think they will really bring this piece to life once I get them in.

Today in particular I was creating the sheaths for a short sword and dirk that eventually will be lashed to his large hard cloth belt. At this point unfortunately I only have a place holder rope going to where the 2 pieces will be anchored. The way they are attached isn’t decided yet but I’m thinking of making a few small belts using a ring and a snap to hold them together.

Also today I began resculpting cloth after the model was twisted into his pose, I resculpted the front of his shirt peeking out underneath his armor and his arm he is holding outward; unfortunately, you can’t see that sleeve at the moment and the other is still just default folds I added as place holders.

Of course I had to resculpt his arms as well, I just slightly reduced his straight arm’s bicep and resculpted the muscles of the elbow in his arm with the hand that is reaching out (to cast a spell) Anyways, here it is! Time to work on some prototype stuff I have to get done for tomorrow!

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