Ram Warrior Update

So as I keep going on this piece I’m deciding on styles for armor and such, I have 3 designs I’m going to be reworking his armor with at the moment so I think those ram shoulder pads and the lower part of his helmet are changing.

This is my detail for his back so far. He’s also going to have bags and a sheath or two back there. This is mainly stuff to just hold his armor together and things of that nature. 

Sculpture Progress

I’ve been blocking out this piece for about 2 days and I still have quite a bit of blocking to do! The sheer amount of armor pieces on this piece is going to make it look amazing, the complexity is something I’m really excited about. When it’s all said and done I expect this piece to be anywhere from 40 to 100 subtools and I’ve never really gone that far before!

So obviously it’s mostly still just geometric shapes but I did manage to detail the waist a bit just for a change of pace. The breastplate has been a focus of mine and I think once the torso is posed it will be a great focal point for the piece, the plates will turn with him giving a.. bug carapace feel to it all.

The face has been softened up from a hardened warrior to a more regal figure and I really think the hair is going to lock that in. It could be a bit brash still but we’ll see how that goes in the next day or two. I better get back to sculpting!

Strange Friday

Today was yet another day when I woke up way earlier than I should have. It’s 9:30am and I’m done with one set of revisions on a rapid prototyping project and I sculpted on a figurine for a client. I’m going to be spending the rest of my day sculpting on his character so I can show him something that will hopefully get him even more excited than he already is about his project. Updates to come! Also, more female heads today.



Oh, here’s a video I made for my Thesis prep class.

Female practice

Well.. 90% of my freelance clients request men to be made, either for figurines or characters to be used in animations. A client is requesting 12 low poly female heads so I’m taking the opportunity to sculpt 12 random females from the internet. Here’s my second attempt, the first wasn’t so great but I’m learning as I go.

School has begun!

Schools started yesterday and I didn’t exactly ease into things…

5 minute video introducing myself and showing my current presentation techniques, 20 renders of current work, a model of a male torso, 2 quizzes, 3 more examples of work for another class! Whew! lets hope they wanted to get  stuff out of the way now so we can relax later on? 🙂

Freelance  is going well, keeping clients happy is always number 1 and I’m a slave to their emotions! Are you happy m’lord? If they are I am! Back to work I go, I updated my Zbrush and Game Design gallery today!

Long weekend

Trying to get back into the swing of things after having a super relaxing 4 day weekend with my girlfriend. Here’s an update on Max, I spent most of my weekend sculpting on a character I’m not sure I can show yet but I’ll find that out soon enough! Spent only about an hour tweaking edges in this texture. Tomorrow I’m doing final color/details. Gotta move on! I have a schedule to keep with this portfolio 🙂

Killgore Rework Low Poly Work

Day 1 of painting diffuse maps and tweaking everything for the low poly model, day 2 of the whole rework for this guy. It’s coming along, there is just a TON to paint and figure out. This is a pretty low poly model, it floats at about 1700 quads including the nail guns and I’m going to reduce it further for my reel.

Here is a comparison of my normal map + diffuse on the model and then just a grey lambert to show the detail I’m adding with my textures!

Killgore Rework

Well.. Sleep eluded me today. I’m not really sure why but I woke up at 1:38 and then after laying in bed for what felt like hours; but, in reality was 2 minutes I decided to just get up and start working. I spent 3 hours today and 2 yesterday sculpting on an old model for my demo reel. here’s the sculpt right now! Time for a diffuse map 🙂

Speed Sculpt

Well, it’s Monday and after a long crazy weekend in NYC and New Jersey I’m back to the grind. I finished some revisions requested by clients, spoke to older clients about new work, and after working on my demo reel for about 2 hours decided to do a quick speed sculpt.

I found a random picture on Google (like usual) and just went to town, I haven’t touched Zbrush in like 5 days and started to feel as though I might be losing some speed. It all went smoothly until rendering where I for some reason couldn’t get any resolution on shadows till I cranked it up to 8k? Really strange issue, never seen it before and I wouldn’t mind not seeing it again. 


Just got back from my first trip to NYC ever and I’m more focused than ever! Classes start in one week for my MFA and I’m hoping to get large chunks of my demo reel done before that time comes… I better  get back to it! -inserts coffee directly into veins-


Oh by the way I’m still always looking for freelance opportunities if you are new to my site and reading this! 🙂 Cheers.