I was a bit naive thinking I could sculpt a full female figure in a day when I have little experience with it. It took 3 days (not including the new year) to sculpt this. I know there are issues but I need to keep making new sculpts this winter to get the widest range of practice in. Here’s day 5-8! Now I need to go finish my demo reel and update this website with all new character sheets and information about my upcoming job search! Cheers.
Day 5 and beyond
It’s new years eve and this year has been really productive! A quick retrospective shows that I’m really trying to improve my skills in all aspects as an artist, doing well in school, and on track to hunt for jobs after tomorrow’s holiday!
My new resume is completed, my demo reel is 99% done, and I’m spending every waking second of my winter break studying anatomy. Speaking of which I took it upon myself to sculpt a full female figure thinking I could get it done in a day. What am I, stupid? This is now a 3 day sculpture and I suspect it’ll take 5 to complete. The female form has to be one of the most tedious things I’ve ever tackled and although I feel more prepared now than ever I’m not experienced in sculpting muscles that are stretched or compressed. Here’s my work in progress for the piece. Besides the fact that this is a female, I’ve never sculpted something this distorted. It’s really quite an experience and I think once I correct everything and really get this musculature down as well as a proper face this will be a beautiful piece. Happy new years everyone.
December Sculpts, day 1
Well.. The semester has drawn to a close but my work is far from done. My thesis presentation will be in March so I’ll be working on that every single day, and even more important is my new job search which is going to be happening at the start of the new year.
I’m 90% done my demo reel, 0% done my still portfolio, done with my resume and references and have a huge list of recruiters on hand for January 2nd. Really excited, not sure what’s going to happen or what people think of my work so I’m just gonna have to wait and see.
During the month or two I have off of school, I honestly can’t remember how long I have off I’m going to be doing lots of sculpting practice. This is going to basically be a sculpture a day for practice in different things. Here’s day 1!
Current projects update
This week has truly been a roller coaster for a lot of reasons. My personal work took a huge dive Monday and Tuesday and it felt as though I would never get over the technical hurdle I had created for myself without knowing it. Both days were spent almost entirely attempting to export maps and trouble shoot issues that were causing effects as severe as computer crashes. I’m assuming they were happening because of memory running out and after many many frustrated attempts I managed to get all of the information out of Zbrush I needed for the next step in the creation of my latest character.
I spent Wednesday working on a bit of freelance, rendering for my demo reel, which is about 15% complete now and will quickly be finished and the rest of the week I spent doing the same but also painting final details on my new character. Here is a render from Maya of the 5.6k poly model with his base textures on, they all need tweaking and editing to finalize them but right now I’m really really excited about the direction this guy is going. He’s my final piece for my portfolio and I’m tremendously excited to show him off.
There are obvious issues and I want to tighten the detail all over him over the next few days. Besides my own projects, school is drawing to a close and I’m spending more and more time planning out my thesis project for a mid-point review where we have to pitch our ideas to a panel. The idea doesn’t make me too nervous, I know I’m talented and dedicated to my craft and it will show up in my presentation, so for now I better get to work on some freelance!! Cheers.
School work
Today for school I melted my brain writing up focus design documents for my thesis midpoint presentation. It’s essentially documents describing how I’m going to get from point A “here” to point B “the presentation” and I’m a bit confused about most of the process, this is one spot where I’m really disliking the online setup. I need a teacher to let me babble and jot notes down while talking to.
Anyways, also this morning I had Ecorche to sculpt and my Dino to work on. Here’s what I did! I reduced the size of most of my ecorche guy’s muscles based on professor critique and tried to soften him up. I need to do more, but right now I don’t have the time.
On my stego I kept adding detail, musculature, and pulled skin. I also created inserts for his plates and put more detail into his face, making him older and wrinkly.
Sunday Updates
This week was sort of a busy one, I’m still in the process of finishing my resume, starting to do final renders for my demo reel, finishing up the semester in school and as always freelance is taking up some time.
I’m 100% ready to start final renders of my characters for my demo reel after many many many tweaks to my render process including texture tweaks, render layers, and lighting rigs. That will actually start tonight! So I’m excited about that.
I’ve been painting on my new character after I solved his weird shoe UV issue which ended up being kind of interesting because I taught myself a new workflow between Zbrush and Maya that I’m gonna be using for this guy. Here are 2 videos of my painting on him for his texture maps, I wanted to record the process so I can analyze it and see where I can improve on speed and/or method.
First is part one, this was right after I had blocked in the main colors.
Part 2 I got a bit more detailed but I actually wasted time painting his face and then realized that I strayed too far from my color scheme so I’m redoing it today.